SahaManthran Pvt. Ltd.

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Program TA

IHSC Healthcare

Evaluated the essential drug list to address communicable and non-communicable disease burden in India.

NIPFP Healthcare

Analyzed disclosure and prescription norms under MCI and code of conduct to influence medical practice.
Provided recommendations for streamlining medical education in India through the National Medical Council Bill study.


  • Conducted end line assessment of the TUSHTI program addressing adolescent health, child growth, and malnutrition in Gujarat.
  • Conducted end line assessment of ANSH & PUSHTi programs implemented in Bihar, Assam, and MP.

CAG of India
COVID-19 Response

  • Developed a pandemic procurement audit tool for drug and consumable procurement during COVID-19 (2021).
  • Developed framework and tool with NIPFP for auditing hospital performance management, piloted in Uttar Pradesh (2019), now scaled nationally.

NITI Aayog Faculty
Recruitment Study

Identified barriers to recruitment, onboarding, and retention of medical faculty and provided policy improvement suggestions.

IHAT Public Hospital

Designed solutions to retain specialists in rural public hospitals in Uttar Pradesh.

Abt Associates

  • Improved access to pediatric care in private hospitals across four districts in Bihar, funded by CARE.

WISH Foundation

  • Conducted KAP study of 2500 households on Communicable diseases, Non-communicable diseases, and anemia management in Madhya Pradesh and Assam.
  • Performed prescription audit in 31 government hospitals of Rajasthan for rational drug use.
  • Assessed facility and disaster resilience in 18 health and wellness centres in MP and Assam.
  • Conducted prescription audit in 46 PHCs in MP and Rajasthan with a focus on e-prescription and telemedicine to inform policy reform.
  • Performed facility assessment of 50 digital health and wellness centres (d-HWC) across UP, MP, Rajasthan, and Assam.


  • Evaluated the impact of the Amrit Drishti program for reducing cataract preventable blindness in UP and MP.
  • Designed high-impact solutions to eliminate cataract blindness by connecting communities with public hospitals in Rajasthan.

Welt Hunger Hilfe

  • Assessed sector-wide approaches to impact health, nutrition, and sanitation in India, Nepal, and Bangladesh.